Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Do you know the core issues to job dissatisfaction

With any dissatisfaction the first step is resolve the conflict between head and heart. Emotion is a guiding signal. When apathy, dissatisfaction and depression set in then it is a sign something must change. This something could be in the heart or in the head (a change of perspective). Apathy is stagnation, or lack of movement, change by its very meaning indicates movement and so the stagnation is broken. We all need to feel important and that we are contributing in a worthwhile way. You have one of two choices, either find something to engage yourself in at work, or to change your career path. For most people the second option is what is really needed, though they fear it the most. They have taken a job that offers 'financial security' instead of following their dreams; and so imagination, inspiration and motivation all atrophy. However these dreams do not truly die and can be reawakened with the correct guidance. By clearing the fears and ‘what ifs’ around change, and in this case specifically the change of career, then his head will no longer try to suppress his heart. He is one step closer to resolving the inner conflict that causes the tension that is experienced, and reflected, in all areas of his life. By using Energy Psychology Techniques such as EFT these fears can be released completely, often in one short session. There are often a collection of fears and each specific fear can be identified and treated. Examples include the fear of not having enough money should things go wrong; the fear of not being good enough in the new career; the fear of being successful and the responsibility that would bring. It is these fears that cloud or block our motivation or desire to change. Many people go to motivational seminars or listen to motivational audio's to find the inspiration to change their lives. The only problem is they are feeding from someone else’s motivational energy. Shortly after the seminar this energy fades and they are back where they started. The word motivation is derived from the word motive meaning ‘the reason why’. It is essential if we want to have lasting motivation we discover our own personal reason why, our own purpose. When we have purpose we feel important and so our lives have meaning again. Friedrich Nietzsche once observed ‘He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how’. To achieve maximum motivation and to discover life purpose there is a very simple formula: Max Motivation = Passion + Purpose. Otherwise stated as find what you most enjoy in life, give it a purpose and you will find motivation to achieve it. Life is on average only 4000 weeks long. With only 7 days in every week you do not have time to sit waiting for life to get better. You create your own life through the choices you make. These choices are restricted by the fears and limiting beliefs you have established over a life time, many having come directly from your parents or society. Every excuse you have for life not being different is just that, an excuse. It is a reflection of those fears and beliefs that have limited you so long. Don’t waste another day, learn some techniques such as EFT that will clear those fears and limiting beliefs and set you free to live your life with passion and purpose. This new sense of joy for life will be reflected in your working life, your personal life and your overall experience of life. A final thought from Howard Wight, ‘If you are ultimately going to do something important that will make a real difference…. do it now’.

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