Thursday, September 22, 2016

Perfect golf swing is within reach

The perfect golf swing. Aren’t we all look for it? Now the educating part. The perfect golf swing is not attainable! Did that get your attention? Let me say it one more time. The perfect golf swing is not attainable! Unless…you have a higher level of strength and flexibility specific to golf. I know you’ve probably heard this before…but the question is…did you take it to heart? Or did you just shrug your shoulders and continue on the same frustrating path to your hopeful golf improvement? When we break down the golf swing mechanically and physically…it’s amazing to see what the body goes through when a near perfect golf swing is performed. There is an enormous amount of core strength and flexibility. Upper spine and low back strength. Then hamstring strength and flexibility. Shoulder stability from a rotation standpoint. Quad strength to maintain adequate knee flex and posture. I could go on and on. Are you getting the picture? To achieve a near perfect golf swing takes a physical approach. One that focuses on your current limitations and how it is affecting your swing. Once you realize what limitations are causing your swing faults…you’ll be well on your way to a perfect golf swing. How many times have you made an attempt at a golf swing only to fall off balance and mishit your shot badly? How your backswing? Have you tried and tried to make that 90 degree shoulder turn like your pro said, only to create such a tense and powerless you were ready to give up the game? I’m here to tell you…you’ve got to change your approach if you want to achieve that perfect golf swing. Start with YOU and you’re on your way!

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