Saturday, September 3, 2016

In slow motion the benefits of moderate exercise

We all "want" to stay in shape and we all NEED to stay in shape. After all, exercise has proven to be good for our jeans and our genes. But, not all of us have the same stamina or endurance, and for some, excessive or strenuous exercise can be downright dangerous. But, experts assert that no matter what your mental, physical, or medical condition is, moving your body has the same positive effects on everyone. However, they "do" note that some necessary adjustments should and must be made. And, they add that if you have a heart or other serious medical condition only your cardiologist or medical professional and diagnostician can make specific recommendations for the types of physical activity you can do and how long you can do them for. Yet, some general considerations may be applicable for most. First, it's important to note that if you take meds, known as beta-blockers, your target heart rate ranges are useless. Beta-blockers tend to slow down your heart rate at rest and with exercise; so, while you may be gasping for breath and working up a sweat, your heart may only be approaching a relatively low amount of beats per minute. As far as special or specific activities are concerned, exercises such as low-level walking and/or biking are excellent for strengthening cardiovascular fitness. However, experts note that your primary objective should be to keep the pace comfortable and "easy" so that you aren’t straining yourself or running short of breath. Having the ability to walk and talk to a friend or mate without struggling to speak or gasping for air should be sufficient enough. Again, however, experts remind those with conditions or difficulties to seek medical attention and/or speak to their physician FIRST.

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